Friday, July 31, 2009

Comfort Food Friday

Ever go through the drive-thru just to order fries and a Coke? At some random time in the middle of the day when you're out running errands? Because it sounds yummy and, more importantly, because you know it will make you sooo happy? Mm hmm. Me too.

And look what I found while searching for an image of french fries... a device that turns your car cup holder into a fries holder! So bad and wrong that I'm not even going to tell you where to get one. (but I'll let you know how mine works out!)

Now, before you all gang up on me for promoting stress eating, let me say that it didn't even occur to me that that's what I was doing... either which way you want to understand that. So here, to provide some balance, is a story I saw in my local newspaper that you might want to take a look at.
Just don't ask me whether I'm giving this to you as a warning or as a show of solidarity. Ok... maybe both.


the gardeners cottage said...

That is so funny. I love the lady who said she may as well just sit on the chips because that's where they will end up anyways!


Anonymous said...

You are so funny. I've been there, done that! I definitely don't think it hurts once in a while as long as you don't make a habit of it. Life's too short not to treat yourself occasionally to something that's not necessarily good for you! :-)

for the love of a house said...

That ff holder is too much!! I'm thinking 'a little' stress eating is okay, isn't it?! Oh good, I thought you'd say yes!!

Tracy- thank you for your sweet well wishes; they were very much appreciated!

Pamela Terry and Edward said...

I am not a fast food eater, so my husband had such a laugh the other day when he found a receipt from a car trip I was on a couple of weeks ago. It was for a Diet Coke and an order of celery!

soodie :: said...

All that salty fried food tastes so good at the time. And then the regret sets in. It is like a bad drinking escapade. Why can't food that is healthy actually make you feel good at the time you are eating it? Like a yoga class or a jog on a cool, crisp day?

Vasudha Narasimhan said...

loved your blgo...and all your posts. thanx for stopping by....

Tracy Watier said...
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