Using the super-sophisticated method of writing the names on small slips of paper, double- and triple-checking to make sure none were omitted, folding them up tight and asking my able assistant to choose one with his eyes closed, we have selected a winner...
Sarah of My Yellow House
Congratulations, Sarah! Your new book is a nice fit for you. I received two copies over the weekend - one for me and one for you - and can say now that it's as good as advertised. Filled with great pics and advice for achieving all "The Comforts of Home" the title and cover photo suggest. I'll mail it off to you right away. Big thanks to all of you who entered! By the way, anyone reading who doesn't know Sarah and her 83-year-old home, should click on the link in her name above and pay her a visit. If you love clean, vintage, cottage style, you'll enjoy following along as she works to make her yellow house with a red door, literally her "dream home", a welcoming haven of personal comforts and luxuries.
In other news. . . I am having epic problems with my server (grrr) and will probably not be able to publish anything new for a couple of days. Because I can't just leave my office, climb into my car, drive to the nearest wifi cafe and hang out there for hours while I finish up the posts I've started and planned for this week. I'd love to, it's a beautiful day for patio blogging, but I can't. I'm only able to publish this one because I occasionally get a very weak signal from one of my neighbors that could fail at any moment. So I really should stop typing now and push "publish".
Happy Monday. Happy Spring! Back soon. . .
Hi Tracy,
I really hate computer problems! They are the worst. So frustrating.
You know I REALLY wanted to win that book! I'm glad Sarah won though, she is really sweet.
Ooh I know the feeling! My office randomly blocks Blogger...and on the days/weeks that it does, I don't get any blogging done. Ah well...hope the server issues clear up soon!
Hi Tracy!!
I have an award for you on my blog because you make me happy :)
Hi Tracy! Yea, I won! I've been stuck out of town for the past two days so what a wonderful surprise to come home to! :)
Hope you know how wonderful your blog is and everyday I can't wait to see what you're up to and all the inspiring things you share with us ~
Looking forward to many more of your postings. :)
Thanks again!
I've stopped by because La Dolfina loves you... So I thought I should join. :)
Good luck with your technical difficulties. I think colds and computer problems are all over blogland today. Hope your problem is resolved soon, Kathysue
So aggravating! Congrats to the winner and hope you get the problem fixed fast!
Congrats to the winner and see you after a pause!!!
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