Monday, May 10, 2010

Stop That Jumping and Get to Work !

Hope you moms out there enjoyed your day yesterday, because all too soon it's back to business as usual. Today is
Those naughty kids of yours should be making their beds, not jumping on them. Channel that energy into spring cleaning! Martha's here to help too. Click on her pic to get the Spring Cleaning Checklist from her Homekeeping Handbook. She'll help you turn your little ones into junior cleaning machines.
Click on the photo below and the folks at Real Simple will help you get your cleaning done faster. Make it a game!

Seriously... "clean up your room day"? Who came up with that one? Not surprisingly, its origins are a mystery. Would you admit to creating a "special" day to "celebrate" mopping floors and folding laundry? No, me neither. But housekeeping is necessary and important work so you may as well do it right. Teach your kids to do it right too and you just might get to relax on more than your one designated day a year.

Top photo by Jean Allsop for Coastal Living


  1. I certainly need to take your advice. I ended up cooking most of the day then running with the food to my son's house, so nasty kitchen for me! Tomorrow's another day, Scarlett!

  2. I remember every Saturday morning we had to clean our rooms before we were allowed to go out and play. As a teenager I would rather sleep in so it hardly ever got done. It looked more like a closet than a room,Yikes!! My poor MOM. Happy Monday,Kathysue

  3. hi tracey,

    we always made our boys clean their rooms on saturday morning before they could go out and play. they always had to pitch in around the house too. i'm here to tell you that now they are all grown and live in their own homes they are complete slobs. every one of them. so go figure!


  4. Luckily I am a day late reading this, and I have it on good information that today is Eat What You Like Day instead.
    Now that sounds more my thing!!

  5. this! I had to laugh at The Gardner's Cottage...I made my boys clean their rooms before they did anything on the weekends...they're now 22 and 24 and as messy as anything. I feel sorry for their wives!

  6. Whew! Glad I missed this day. :-) Seriously, I don't mind cleaning my house for the most part, but I certainly don't think I would create a special day to celebrate it! Unfortunately, I DO seem to enjoy some of Struggler's "Eat Whatever you Like" days entirely too often.

    Hope all is well with you, Tracy, and that you're having a good spring so far...


THANK YOU SO MUCH for stopping by today to get a little COMFORT & LUXURY! I always appreciate it when you take the time to tell me you have been been here. ♥