Wednesday, April 7, 2010

These Chandeliers are for the Birds

No, wait, make that "BY the birds". As in: if a crew of bowerbirds could be put to work in a lighting workshop, these are what I'm sure they would produce. (Not sure what I'm talking about? You are not alone, my friend. Talk to my family. See my last post and you'll know where this stream-of-consciousness nonsense was born)

Imagine, if you will, that we (my visionary investors and I) have harnessed the work ethic and intense creativity of a dozen or so of these little birds. But don't worry, this is no sweatshop. They can live in the rafters of the workshop to ease their commute.They can even bring their families as we offer a benefits package that includes in-house daycare (do you have that at your job?), gym facilities (15 ft factory ceilings leave lots of room to stretch their wings) and a cafeteria fully-stocked with their favorite fruits, insects, flowers and nectars. We'll even play happy, soothing music during work hours (insert Snow White whistling while she works). Let's take a tour and check out the prototypes, shall we? . . .

First, a look at the work of the apprentice birds (top image). A simple pendant structure of interwoven twigs. Bower-like dome shape? Check. Intricate construction? Check. Bright shiny objects to finish it off? Check, sort of. Only one bulb.

As the apprentices hone their craft, their work advances. Larger branches are woven with dramatic flair into the upswept form of an avenue bower. Multiple candle bulbs are incorporated.

Interwoven branches again but, this time, the birds have taken artistic license to add tiers. (Note to potential employees: Here at the Bird-Built Chandelier Factory, we appreciate and reward workplace innovation and initiative.)

In the faux department, we will be mindful that not all potential clients will appreciate the rustic look of actual twigs. The craftiest and most detail-oriented birds will learn to weld and bend metal. To some models, they will apply the shiny objects favored by the females of the species (true of birds and humans alike). Here, you see crystals and flower-shaped candle cups.

Would you like a bowerbird to come to your home and dress up your boring chandelier? You're in luck! Decorating services will be available. And, who knows? A perfectly decorated bowerbird chandelier might be just the thing that gets your home into a magazine.

In the wild, some bowerbirds line their bowers with a bed of moss. In the factory, moss becomes tiny-leaved, trailing ivy. A sprouting branch is the center support and candle cups resemble discarded seedpods. True artistry achievable only by the most experienced birds.

Finally, the work of a master craftsbird. The level of extravagant display to which all young apprentice birds aspire. Twigs, leaves, berries and fruit plus shiny bits of glass and metal. Bright colors and a multitude of collected objects. (If this one doesn't impress the ladies, nothing will.)

So, I'm off to write up a business plan. Investment opportunities are available. Contact me soon if you're interested. I have a feeling this might really take off.
(bird pun. get it?)


All dumb jokes and ridiculousness aside, I discovered something really beautiful while compiling this post— the dreamy work of artist Tracey Barnes. She is based in Denver, Colorado and, as her website says, "melds the magnificent beauty and power of nature with the mystery of the human subconscious in her textured paintings, exquisite chandeliers and innovative interiors." Her paintings are magical and ethereal and her one-of-a-kind chandeliers are indeed works of art. This first example is called (by lucky coincidence) "Bower Bird Nest".

Next is the "Z Cuisine Chandelier" which hangs in the North Denver restaurant of the same name.

This one is my favorite. "Chandelier Sienna".

Would you use such a fanciful chandelier in your home?
Would you pay more for it if was built by birds?
(market research. it's important.)
Of course, none of the light fixtures here were made by birds. Top to bottom, image sources are: BoBo Intriguing Objects; Nancy Van Atta Associates;; Pottery Barn; Lime in the Coconut; Doris Sanders Ltd.;;


  1. What a great post! I love anything bird, twig, straw...related and these chandeliers are stunning! I like the 3rd on with the tiers-I may be obssessed with it now! :)
    I have a twig wreath wrapped around mine but now I'm thinking it doesn't really compare.
    Thanks for the great inspiration!

  2. I love ALL of them. I must have one!

  3. Would I have one in my home? Yes, yes and yes!


  4. Great post!! I love birds and I love the way you saw something that reminded you of nature and did this amazing post, Great job!! Kathysue

  5. I do love the beautiful organic quality of that which can't be found in nature.

    Some of these are beautiful and others....not so much!!!

  6. wonderful post! love all the bird nest chandeliers!!
    And thank you for the introduction to Tracey Barnes. I went to her Web site, but I plan to check it out further. After all, she's not far from me!

  7. This is a beautiful, creative, witty & delightful post. Being the king of girl who lives on a wing & a prayer, it certainly appealed to me. Love the work, and I'm so happy to see you give credit where credit is due. So many of our fellow bloggers don't do this & as an artist myself, I feel they should. I'm wild about this! And, I'm pulling out my nest egg to see how much of my investment capital we could invest in the new venture. Those chandeliers should just fly right out the doors. xx's Marsha

  8. Tracy, what a fun post! I also read the last one all about "your" birds and was captivated. How refreshing! For my sister's "bird and branches" baby shower, I collected a bunch of twigs and branches myself, crafting them into various nests and decor and may have the experience needed to join your team (wink wink). I'll send my resume!

  9. Tracy,

    I love these chandeliers..especially the one that looks like a tree limb with the moss hanging all over it.

    It would look great in my mountain home.

    Drop by for a visit when you have a moment..and have a lovely day.

    Stephanie ♥


THANK YOU SO MUCH for stopping by today to get a little COMFORT & LUXURY! I always appreciate it when you take the time to tell me you have been been here. ♥