Monday, February 15, 2010

Follow Me!

So I finally got with it and added the "follow" gadget to my sidebar.

If you've been wondering "Hey, what's with Tracy? How am I supposed to follow her?", thank you for wanting to! If you figured it out for yourself and have been following me all along, thank you even more because I didn't make it easy, did I? Truthfully, I had no idea there were almost forty of you already.
Boy, do I need to pay more attention!

If you have no idea what I'm talking about—follow her? where is she going?—that's ok too. But you might want to check it out anyway and take advantage if you can. If you'd like. I'd really appreciate it.
Know too that I appreciate every one of you who stops by—whether it's on a regular basis or just once in a while as you find the time; whether you "follow" or subscribe or bookmark me in your own unique way. I love knowing you're out there and value your comments and feedback.
For all of this, thank you so much.

Now, I'm off to update my own list of blogs to follow. I'll be sure to say "hi" when I add myself as one of your followers.

Photo credit unknown. Location of baby ducks unknown, but
it does look like they're heading in the right direction.


  1. Enjoyed this photo immensely. It reminds me of the statue of the mamma and her ducklings at Boston Common. Very adorable!

  2. Cute picture and I am now a follower. I had you on my feed anyway but did the google follower for you. Have a good day.

  3. Oh, Tracy I like you so much! I am super techno challenged! I couldn't figure it out either and another sweet blogger, Marty-A Stroll Thru Life gave me the directions! Now here's the real embarrassment, I still don't completely get how it works?! I will check back with you here if you want to leave a note/comment! :)

  4. I've been receiving your posts on google reader but now am a follower! Love your blog

  5. Woohoo! Glad you finally did it. :-) I was already a follower, but if I wasn't I would become one.


THANK YOU SO MUCH for stopping by today to get a little COMFORT & LUXURY! I always appreciate it when you take the time to tell me you have been been here. ♥