Thursday, December 3, 2009

Silver and Gold Christmas Wishes

As usual, I don't have much of a Christmas list this year. My wishes tend to run toward the practical: I'd really like to get my car detailed, my kitchen needs painting, and my master bathroom needs a fairy godmother to wave her wand on it because I continue to drag my heels on that whole mess. I could definitely use the services of a personal shopper to update my wardrobe. But those are all things that can't be wrapped up in a box. As material goods go, I'm lucky enough to have more than I really need and most of what I want. But it's that time of year, when my mailbox is stuffed with catalogs full of pretty things and I couldn't help but notice a few. Among the things that have caught my eye, a pattern emerged. Silver and gold. Grey and taupe. Call me predictable, but I'm always drawn to these combinations when it comes to clothing and jewelry.

First up, who can resist a snow globe? Especially one as simple and perfect as this one, above. Trouble is, it's the watch inside the jar that's for sale. A one-of-a-kind mix of vintage faces linked together. Very intriguing but if it doesn't come with the snowman, maybe I don't want it after all. (anthropologie)

These I'll take just as they come. Sparkly daisy ear studs. Silver and gold. Better together.(anthropologie)

Less sparkly but just as much fun. A taupey-grey cardigan with appliqued leaves and flowers. Can I pull this off? I suppose I'd have to try it on to know for sure. But I do love it. (anthropolgie)

I also love the look of mixed up charms on a great chain. My favorite kind of necklace from the source of some of my most-worn pieces. (sundance)

Speaking of chains, silver and gold on pleated chocolate leather. The latest discovery in my ongoing search for the new perfect handbag. What do you think? Are chains over? I don't really care about trends but I don't want to look ridiculous either. (nordstrom)

And, finally, here's something I want that, sadly, can't be bought. . .

It's an image I saved from an Anthropologie email ad promoting their Christmas ornaments. I can't tell whether it's an actual shadow box put together to showcase birdies or if it's totally photoshopped. Either way, it's charming. Greys and golds and taupes and silvers plus a bit of color for fun. I just want to look and look and look at it. It makes me happy. And isn't that what the best gifts are meant to do?

Click on the images to go to their source. Except the shadow box. It's mine, all mine.


  1. Hi Tracey,

    I just love silver, gold and white for christmas. All your finds are gorgeous. But like you I'd rather have my bedroom painted!


  2. Love the shadow box too, get someone to make you one...that is really can pick the perfect birds and everything.

  3. It's funny I didn't even really notice the watch in the snow globe until you mentioned it :-). I REALLY like the necklace and that last photo is pretty cool. My list is kind of the same as yours this year - not much that can be wrapped in a box and I'm pretty thankful for what I already have. Hope you have a great weekend!

  4. I think their shadowbox is for real and you could probably make something similar without too much trauma.
    Love those daisy earrings, too!

  5. I didn't notice the watch either:) I would rather have all the things you mentioned BEFORE you showed us the photos. Car detailed....etc. LOL! Personal shopper would be great too.

  6. geesh, cute cardy, I'd love that one! don't know if i'd wear it either, just love to own it!

  7. Great list... I love pretty much all of it.

  8. Lovely list of pretties. I do love prowling through Anthropologie at Christmastime!

  9. i just love the little snowman in the vintage jar... have a lovely week... your blog name is fabulous... comfort and luxury can mean so many things but are so important in every aspect of life... x pam

  10. ooo, I love the sweater. I have an Anthro sweater on my list too. ;)

  11. Love that bag! I need to create my own list!


THANK YOU SO MUCH for stopping by today to get a little COMFORT & LUXURY! I always appreciate it when you take the time to tell me you have been been here. ♥