Monday, November 2, 2009

Oops, It's Happened Again... and a reminder

During the past few weeks, my little blog received another award... from three different bloggers... and just the way it happened before, I let too many days (weeks even) pass before acknowledging them. This time, it's the Kreativ Blogger award and I am honored to have received it from three bloggers who are themselves incredibly creative. For this embarrassment of riches I thank
Soodie Beasley, whose thought-provoking posts inspire me to be a better writer, though I wouldn't want to be judged by my long-winded comments to her.
Kathy, at Creative Home Expressions, who expresses her multi-talented creativity through design makeovers, pretty crafts, beautiful tablescapes and inspiring finds.
Tamera, at Double Delight Designs, a busy new blogger who, with infectious enthusiasm, is creating a fun, pretty, crafty, cozy home for her young family and sharing it all with us.

In order to accept this award, I must list seven things about myself that my readers may not know so I have compiled a list of seven "favorites":
1) Favorite forbidden food: Pastrami sandwich, from a "world famous" local chain, with mustard and pickles
2) Favorite after-school cartoon: Kimba the White Lion
3) Favorite flower in my own garden: Alstroemeria
4) Favorite ice cream flavor: Rocky Road; with almonds, not walnuts
5) Favorite new fall television series: Flash Forward
6) Favorite happy movie moment: When Mary Poppins, Bert the chimney sweep and the children, Jane and Michael Banks, jump into Bert's chalk drawings.
7) Favorite book that made me cry, even the second time: "Charms for the Easy Life" by Kaye Gibbons

Now, here are the seven bloggers I choose to pass this award along to:

These seven blogs are new to me and even after reading them only a handful of times, I can say that they are fun and clever and pretty to look at and, most of all, very, very creative. If they're new to you too, please take the time to have a look. If you're already a reader, then you know exactly why I've chosen them, don't you?

I'm hosting Mood Board Monday this time. Go to this post to see the inspiration items and get your mood board ready for the McLinky party on Monday, November 9th. You can also go to Room Remix, where PK started Mood Board Mondays, to see all the creative results of the last challenge. Please come play with us! No competition—just fun.


  1. Congratulations Tracy...loved to hear more about you!

  2. You're welcome! I think I have figured out the "how". I am going to purchase a door mirror (I think this is the most inexpensive way to go) and then have it cut.
    Can't wait!
    Thanks again!

  3. Well deserved Tracy! You blog always has an interesting take.

    (and please! comment away, I don't judge and in fact, I have #3 of the mouth most times talking about things that go nowhere...)

  4. Congratulations on your award! Thank you for thinking of me and passing it on to me! I will check out the Mood Board Monday sounds great..
    Take care, Laura @ 52Flea

  5. The awards are very well deserved! I love Rocky Road with almonds too - yum.

    pk @ Room Remix

  6. Congratulations on your award, Tracy and thanks for passing one along to me. Thank you too for your nice comments on my blog. I've never won a blogging award before, so it's really a treat for me.


  7. Hello Tracy, thank you very much for including my blog in your list of kreativ bloggers but really I decided to be an award free blog, mainly because it´s too hard for me to write in English and because I like so many blogs, including yours, that it would be very difficult to me to choose a few, I would give this award to all the blogs I have visited so far and they are a huge amount.
    I have been here in your wonderful blog before and think I left a comment for you.
    You are really kind.
    Muchos cariños
    María Cecilia, from Chile, southamerica


THANK YOU SO MUCH for stopping by today to get a little COMFORT & LUXURY! I always appreciate it when you take the time to tell me you have been been here. ♥