Friday, November 6, 2009

Get Your Mood Boards Ready!

Did you choose Antwerp or Bertram?
Have you been working on your board?

Monday's the day. Go back to this post to get all the info you need for the MckLinky party on Monday, November 9th. You can also go to Room Remix, where PK started Mood Board Mondays, to see all the creative results of the last challenge. Please come play with us! No competition—just fun.


  1. My lips are sealed! I have been working on it and I believe I'm done. Had some problems with Polyvore so I had to put it together through Photoshop, but I think it came out just as good. Looking forward to posting it and seeing what everyone has come up with!

  2. Tracy, I like your new blog header and look. Very chic!

    I'm not a photoshp gal and a design board is lost on me, but I am looking forward to seeing everyone's works of art.

  3. Working on mine today -- I'm going with the Antwerp!

  4. Love your new header! Looks great! Haven't even started. :-) I do plan on participating though so don't give up on me.
    pk @ Room Remix


THANK YOU SO MUCH for stopping by today to get a little COMFORT & LUXURY! I always appreciate it when you take the time to tell me you have been been here. ♥