Tuesday, October 20, 2009

If I Ruled the World. . .

. . . it might look a lot like Waverly's world.

Their current print ads make me smile every time I see one. So I thought I would share them with you... in case you don't stumble into the same kind of color and pattern, fabric fanatic craziness I often find myself in the middle of.

Wouldn't you love to live in a neighborhood where the mailboxes look like this:

Having been a fan of Waverly's fabrics and products for many years, I'm so glad to see them freshening up their image. Yet reassured that many of my favorite traditional looks are still their mainstay. Like these from the Romantic Overtures Collection:

Ballad Bouquet in Robins Egg

Damask Duet in Mushroom

One of my favorite new-ish patterns is Chantel. I can see it on traditional upholstered armchairs as well as more contemporary slipper chairs. First though I'd have to decide which of these colorways is my favorite:





I purchased a remnant of Saison de Printemps in Creme some time ago, having no idea what I might do with it. I'll most likely use it somewhere in my kitchen.

Here's the same pattern in Saffron. Oh so French country.

If I weren't so determined to get rid of all the wallpaper in my house, I might be tempted to use one of these:

Essence in Spa

Damask in Cinnabar

Waverly is a terrific, affordable source for traditional styles in fabrics, wallpapers, paints and other home decor goods, many of which are available at chain retailers like JoAnn and Lowes. Check out their website to get a look at their product line.

And don't be fooled into thinking that traditional means stuffy or stodgy. There's a freshness to many of their current styles and, depending upon the end use, even the most traditional colors and patterns can look new and chic.

Headboards by Eugenia Erskine Jesberg via katiedid upholstered in Waverly fabric.


  1. Those ads are great! I hadn't seen all of them. LOVE those headboards...
    pk @ Room Remix

  2. I have seen those ads, and I love them, too! Some of the ads I come across in magazines would be such great pictures for a blog post.

  3. Fun! I hadn't seen all the ads either. I like the taxis!
    You're right, even apparently traditional patterns look very fresh in that bedroom.

  4. Waverly has been a wonderful source of beautiful fabrics over the years. Love that green room. And that Essence Spa pretty blue has caught my eye on more than one occasion.

  5. Those Waverly people! Always coming up with the latest and greatest! Fabric covered mailboxes? I fear the HOA would have my neck!(Not that I wouldn't enjoy prettying it up for the mail lady.)


  6. just beautiful. traditional and fresh at the same time.


  7. Those ad are great, I haven't seen them before. Waverly was a pretty big deal when I started in the drapery business, I'm glad to see them keeping current.

  8. I've just had a throw in Essence Smoke completed for a client. I'll make sure I post the photos when the side tables and lamps are installed. Cute ads.

  9. I want the mailboxes! I love them. I love all of the fabrics too.

  10. Lovely post - I love those ads!

    Thanks for the tip on the yellow. I have heard of yellow being much too bright, so we have chosen a subtle shade. I hope it will not be too bright in there! If not, we can do my beloved cream, haha!

    I also thought a very soft blue might work, but a little too primary with green floors and essentially yellow/beige counters. Blue might be too dominant as a third major colour.

    xo Terri

  11. I think your world would be a fun place to visit!

  12. I'm back with an off-topic reply to a question you posed at my blog, about shopping for non-cashmere...

    LL Bean seem to do a nice range of cotton and I also like the sweaters offered at Boden. I was also surprised recently by a couple of good finds at JC Penney.
    Hope you find something you like!

  13. love the car and mailboxes.

    waverly has been a favorite for so many years. just a good solid company!!!

  14. If you ruled the world.....

    What a wonderful (colorful) world it would be!

  15. Your memo board sounds very pretty too. I thought you were going to say you used Waverly fabric on it...hehe. Not a bad idea though~ Have a great day my friend!

  16. What fun ads! I used Waverly's toile fabrics all over my house. Love it. :-)

  17. hahah love these ads!! i've never seen them!

    gorgeous bedroom too at the bottom!!

  18. Oh. I'd love one of those floral townhouses. In London, of course.

  19. Hey girl....what a great post! I had not seen those Waverly ads, but I want to live in "your" town. Love the mailboxes.... And, interestingly enough, if I had $1,200+ plus dollars to blow yesterday, I would have bought an acrylic painting of colorful island houses, all standing in a row. That look -- a string of pastel-colored houses -- comforts me, makes me happy. cheers -s

  20. Tracy...I love this post. Maybe you should rule the world. It would be so beautiful! I love all of the photos and patterns you've chosen. ♥Rosemary


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