Friday, August 7, 2009

Goin' to The Bowl

Here's what my weekend looks like so far:

A little bit of this...

...a little bit of that...

...some of this if I have time...

...and as much of this as I can stand.

It's going to be very warm in Pasadena on Sunday. Likely requiring more than one frozen lemonade. Here's what's on my "look for" list:

1) Old white-painted window of a certain size for a particular project but only if it's cheap in case I change my mind after I get it home.
2) Vintage tablecloths that match my kitchen and won't mind being cut up for another project.
3) A shiny glass "something" for the coffee table.
4) A replacement Autumn Leaf salt shaker, with a handle, for my mom because she broke hers.
5) Old presidential campaign buttons and patriotic Americana ephemera for the husband.

And, of course, I'm open to anything else that reaches out and begs to come home with me (as long as it's not a bowl or a chair... I have too may bowls already and no more room for chairs!) Wish me luck that we get there early and don't have a meltdown before we find some fun stuff!

What do your weekend plans look like?

The bowls up top are not my own, the photo is via But if I find any this weekend that look as great as these, I will totally go back on my word and buy more bowls. How do you think I got as many as I have now?


  1. I am torn between Scott Antique Market and Julia Child!!!

  2. Good for you!!

    Have fun shopping for treasures:)

    I want your hammock! to take a nap this weekend!


  3. You are one busy girl! Have fun this weekend and you have my permission, should you need it, to purchase more bowls. :-) It's going to be warm and humid here this weekend too, so I think the frozen lemonade sounds like a good idea.

  4. I have to say, that sounds like the perfect weekend to me! Good luck on your treasure hunt.

  5. I almost forgot that the Rose Bowl is this weekend.
    I'm in search of a wonderful crusty mirror for my new bathroom and a great vessel to make into a sink.
    Maybe we'll bump into each other!


  6. I'm jealous! I work today and tomorrow but sunday we are getting out in nature. That hammock sure looks good. I heard this weekend is supposed to be cooler. Have fun.


  7. Can't miss that Rose Bowl flea market! I hope you find more than you bargained for.

  8. Looks like you have a great weekend planned! I want to squeeze in some sewing, gardening, napping and shopping into my weekend too. Good luck at the Rose Bowl!


THANK YOU SO MUCH for stopping by today to get a little COMFORT & LUXURY! I always appreciate it when you take the time to tell me you have been been here. ♥