Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Do You Let Sleeping Dogs (or Cats) Lie?

. . .on your bed?

getty images

photo by peggyvverybusy via Flickr

photo by heather via Flickr


photo by veganmichele via Flickr

getty images

Catnap interrupted. Kitty on Katey's bed.

A very uncomfortable (but obedient) Bob on Katey's bed where she posed him for a sketch. His natural, preferred habitat is wherever dirt and leaves and little sticks that cling to his coat can be found in our backyard. We should have named him Pigpen.

So I was just wondering. Do you or don't you?

Up top, American artist Andrew Wyeth's 1965 watercolor, "Master Bedroom"


  1. Very cute. Well yes and no. Our older dog (10 yrs) likes to get on my daughter's bed at story time and then we remove him when it's lights out. The two of them sleep in our room on their own bed but start fussing around 5am. My husband lifts them onto our bed where they happily snuggle down for another hour or so until it's time for all of us to be up and at 'em. I'm a firm believer that a dog (or cat) is part of your life and should be allowed wherever the rest of the family are allowed.

  2. My golden can get on my bed with permission. When I say he can "come up", he actually looks at me a few times and needs reassurance that it's okay.

    He seems to know that this rule is only for home because when we stay at a hotel and he is left in the room alone, he is usually quietly sitting on the bed when we get back.

  3. Hmmm... No pets currently, but I don't think I could allow them on the bed if I had them. :-)

  4. Webster the wonder dog can relate to the beagle wrapped up in a blanket. He's always been allowed on the bed. It's mostly a winter thing though. In the summer his favorite cool spot is under it.

    Loved all the images you picked today. ♥Rosemary (and Webster)

  5. the gardeners cottageAugust 26, 2009 at 9:19 AM

    Hi Tracy,

    Boy this is a touchy subject. Decorno did a post on it a few months ago and people got crazy over it.

    Personally, I prefer animals to be in their own beds. But that's just me. The images are so cute but I really don't want to sleep w/my pets. Those are fighting words to some people I know, but it's just my preference.


  6. Do. Definitely. My Himalayan is a real snuggler.


  7. Hi everyone! I thought I should weigh in just to be fair... I am generally a "no pets on the furniture" person... don't hate me! :) Probably because I've always had indoor/outdoor cats and dogs and these current two especially, must be because of their long coats, trail in all manner of garden debris... from your everyday dirt and leaves and stickery things to bird feathers, dead spiders and the occasional slug! They both enjoy a good roll in the garden and napping under bushes. Bob has nice soft beds both inside and outside the house and Kitty likes wooden chairs in the summer and spends a lot of time under the coffee table on top of the wool rug in cooler weather. She is allowed on upholstered furniture if there is a person's lap under her! So, be assured, they are lovingly accomodated. They were both allowed on every surface of my daughter's room while she was growing up so it will be interesting to see what choices she makes about pets now that she's out on her own. Gotta go now. My cat's in here staring at me like she needs something...!

  8. * MOST of us big-time DOG-LOVERS are a funny "breed"~~~~ THANKFULLY, our "Belle-girl" lets us up on "T*H*E bed" every nite, so the three of us can snuggle up all nice n' cozy!!!

    The hubs & I "MISS" the "lost space",yes~~~ but darn it!!!~~~ She's just SOOOOO sweet & loving & darling... all 62 lbs. of her... so, it's WORTH IT!!!

    CUTE PICS~ Thanks!

    Linda in AZ *

  9. Hi Tracy! It was nice to get your comment on my post! Yes, I too, love SF. If I had to live in a city, SF would be it! If you ever get up this way, give me a shout and we will get some bloggers together for our own little Bay Area Blogfest! (not a bad name actually!). There are two or three other girls in the area who already want to get together!

    I do let my cats sleep on our bed, although lately, with my windows open in the summer, my oldest cat is driving me crazy moving my plantation shutters up and down all night, like he's trying to get a better view into the pitch blackness of the back yard! Eventually, I end up tossing him out of the room and shutting the door! It's maddening, but funny at the same time! :)

  10. Hi... My last dog never, ever, ever got on my bed or furniture. This dog, Connor, a yellow lab adopted at age 5, jumped on the bed the first night. I pushed him off. He jumped back on. Repeat endlessly. He now gets in bed and snuggles for a few minutes and then jumps off and sleeps under the bed.

    I am babysitting a 75lb dog this week, and he is thisclose to me all night long. Connor is SOOO pissed about it.

    I am thinking of getting slips a la Joni @ Cote de Texas for my sofa because Connor sleeps there when I am at work.

  11. Sometimes I let my American Eskimo sleep on the bed with me, especially if hubby isn't around. She is a better sleeping companion than him as she never snores although there is the issue of shedding fur.

  12. yes and yes - two dogs.

    at one point Ben and I had a small double bed, one baby who slept with me breast feeding (for 12 years she sleept with me - not breast feeding though!!!! hha) - 2 cats and 1 dog and we ALL slept in that one double bed. cozy.

  13. Oh of course! Our dogs have always been allowed on the bed and sofas! It's their home too, and I want them to be as comfy in it as we are ! That said, they don't sleep in the bed with us at night. Ella has her own bed and she knows when it's "nite-nite" time that she gets in her own bed and stays there until invited back up in the morning! I think comfort "and" rules are really important!

  14. hey...thanks for glad you did, love your blog, am gonna add it to my roll!

    We NEVER let our dog on any furniture....100 lb lab, but he passed away last year and now my granddog comes to visit! She is not allowed on the furniture, but she knows she can sleep on MY side of the bed when she visits! Like "they" say, grandkids get away with more than kids every did!


  15. This cracked me up. Loved all these funny comments. This is a house divided. :) Mabel used to sleep with me all the time, every night... but within the last year she's become cat-like in her sleep patterns. She likes to scratch behind the ears around 1 in the morning, get down and eat a late night snack from her food bowl at 4... it's become a little impossible to sleep with her all the time. But during thunderstorms and in the winter, she's in the bed no matter what we say. :)

  16. Oh my dear, what do you think?? We consider it an absolute privilege when Edward and Apple join us in bed!

    Such a delightful collection of photos!!


THANK YOU SO MUCH for stopping by today to get a little COMFORT & LUXURY! I always appreciate it when you take the time to tell me you have been been here. ♥