Thursday, July 23, 2009

Color and Pattern Palooza

When I opened the September issue of Traditional Home, my heart did a little happy dance. I make no secret of my love for color and pattern in interiors. It's also no secret that decorating with loads of color and pattern is not always in style. So I can get a bit of a complex when everyone else is using monochromatics and neutrals while my house still looks like gypsies live here. But these days I'm seeing color and pattern galore and loving it!

The image at the top of this post is from an ad in the issue for Mitchell Gold+Bob Williams' new line. Pretty, juicy colors and fun, ancient-becomes-modern patterns. The image directly above is from the entry hall of a house in Massachusetts. Wow, right? The homeowners collect antiques and folk art and have three teenage children. They hired a fellow folk art lover (and one of my favorite designers), Gary McBournie to turn this formerly grand, formal home into a fun, casual backdrop for their eclectic collections and family gatherings. And while I think the abundance of pattern and color in this particular space might be a bit much even for me, I can't help but be charmed by it. (and I absolutely love everything else in the rest of the photos of this home, by the way)

The photo above is from the master bedroom of another featured residence. It's in the Long Island home of a single mother with a young daughter, four dogs, two cats and a virtual petting zoo of other small animals. The home itself is beautiful and classic with the kind of custom-built detailing that knocks my socks off. The homeowner, an interior designer who had been working professionally in England before her move to the States, collaborated with a local NY architect to design both the home and the interiors. Looking through all the photos, I could imagine myself moving into this one as is.

This weekend, I'll be attending a class of sorts on decorating with color and pattern. I'll let you know next week what these particular experts have to say about mixing it up in your home. As for my own home, it's already pretty mixed up (see the evidence in the photo above) and I will undoubtedly keep it that way, in style or out; adding and subtracting, mixing and matching my happy little heart out.

Do you like this totally mixed-up look or prefer to keep things quiet and monochromatic? I'd love to hear which and why.


  1. Bright colors make me happy:))))

    Have a great weekend!


  2. Having lived through (and barely surviving) haute 80's decor, I am very careful with pattern, color and scale. I'm afraid at the first opportunity all those bunnies and mauves and blues who may be lurking outside will try to invade with their stained oak shelves and heart cut-outs.

    Whenever I bring in something new, I wonder what decorating element will become my mullet in 2010.

    Right now black and cream is looking very interesting to me.


  3. I am pretty quite, but I do have a love for color. Hey did you not know that clothes line chairs are all the thanks for visiting. Don't be a stranger!

  4. I love color but, my home is much more soft and romantic.

    I just recently started my Blog. I'd love for you to come by for a visit if you get a chance and say hi!

    Have a great weekend,

  5. What a great post! I love color and pattern. The first photo is probably not something I would do in my own home but I admire it when I see it done.

  6. Tracy...Too busy for me. I can take only so much pattern on pattern. I have this magazine too. It's one of my favorite publications.

    I really admire people with this kind of decorating nerve or panache in their own homes. Great post. Thanks. Rosemary

  7. I'm big on toss cushions, they make or break a living room in my opinion, the ones you've shown are so great, and that wallpaper can only be described as juicy!

  8. pattern and color, yes! but as with all things, moderation is best...

  9. just saw the kitty post...oh how I wish she were still on the air! Thanks for the note you left me. I love the bedroom too. I remember when I first saw it ... loved it. Glad you liked it too.

  10. i am here for the first time.... I simly love your blog... nice work. I feel like my ideas are in line with yours....please visit my blog


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