Sunday, May 31, 2009

This is a test...

to see what my first blog post might look like! As a procrastinating perfectionist, I find it difficult to simply begin. Anything. But if I can see what my blog might look like when I do start (which, for all intents and purposes, appears to be what I am doing right now!), perhaps it will be easier for me to just get on with it already! So, here I sit, on a Sunday afternoon, laundry and dirty dishes put on hold...

The image you see above is a photo I "borrowed" from another blogger, Layla of The Lettered Cottage, for my own decorating ideas file. I absolutely love this kitchen. It's homey and warm and colorful and full of lovely details that give it texture and interest. The whimsical wire chandelier, time-worn woods, creamy cabinetry, hand-painted pottery on open shelves, wicker, sea grass, classic checked and ticking fabrics, fresh flowers, green plants and exposed ceiling beams are all elements that make this a kitchen I could move into as is. Today. Better yet... I'll save myself the trouble of moving and simply use this photo as the inspiration to add a few of these details to my own kitchen-in-progress.

I have no idea where this kitchen really is nor where the photo originated before Layla posted it... and I hope she doesn't mind that I've re-posted it here. I also hope she'll understand that I don't yet know how to set up a clickable link within this text, but if you look at the list of "must read" blogs on my right sidebar and click that link, you'll find her quite easily. Take a look around her beautiful blog and see why she's one of my regular reads.

So... I'm blogging! I started! And if anyone is actually reading this... THANK YOU!!! and, please, come back sometime soon to check my progress. My intention here is to write about my love of (obsession with would be more like it) interior design and decoration as I get my new business off the ground. I'll show you the results of my own projects as well as the work of others who have inspired me and continue to educate me in this creative pursuit I have enjoyed for as long as I can remember. More about that later...

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THANK YOU SO MUCH for stopping by today to get a little COMFORT & LUXURY! I always appreciate it when you take the time to tell me you have been been here. ♥